Mr. Chairperson,

I would like to thank the United Arab Emirates for convening this meeting. I would also like to thank the Under-Secretary General, Ms Fleming, Ms Harfoush and Ms Woodard for their contributions.

Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword. As demonstrated by the "AI for Good" Summit, held every year in Geneva, it has the potential to help us achieve our sustainable development goals. It can help ensure equality and inclusion, and curb misinformation and hate speech.

At the same time, with quantum advances, it is becoming increasingly easy to manipulate information and harder to distinguish between fact and misinformation. This can exacerbate polarization within societies, undermine confidence in democratic institutions, destabilize society and, ultimately, pose a threat to international peace and security. UN peacekeeping operations, like humanitarian actors such as the ICRC, can testify to this potential for harm. They are increasingly having to defend themselves against deliberately false and hostile narratives. Hate speech, disinformation and misinformation also disproportionately affect women, as well as discriminated and marginalized groups. It is therefore essential to work towards a gender-sensitive digital space.

I'd like to mention three ways of tackling these challenges:

Firstly, we need to strengthen the resilience of our societies. By reinforcing respect for human rights and international humanitarian law, we reduce the potential for misinformation to cause harm. This applies both online and offline. Maintaining strong, pluralistic and independent media ecosystems is critical. Any measures taken against misinformation must therefore comply with the rights to freedom of expression, opinion and information. These rights also protect ideas that may shock and disturb.

Secondly, we need to better understand the risks and potential of artificial intelligence for peace. This requires an exchange between states, civil society, academia and the private sector. In Switzerland, the women's organization Alliance F has joined forces with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the University of Zurich to create the "Bot Dog" algorithm - capable of detecting hate speech. The project “Stop Hate Speech” continues and has evolved. It now provides indicators of hate speech and supports the moderation of comment columns for the benefit of civil society and media companies.

Finally, we need to strengthen multilateral cooperation. In some areas, regulatory action is needed, as outlined in the New Agenda for Peace. The Security Council must continue to speak out to counter misinformation.

Switzerland will continue to address these issues within the Council and within existing international processes.

I Thank you.