I will now make a statement in my national capacity.

I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and the Chairman of the CAR Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission for their presentations. I welcome the participation of the representative of the Central African Republic.

As reiterated today by the Special Representative and Ambassador Hilale, it is essential that this Council and the international community continue to support CAR in its efforts to establish lasting peace and promote development. We welcome the key role played by the Country Configuration for CAR in this respect. Switzerland, deeply committed to peace and human rights, reaffirms its commitment to the people of CAR. It is in this spirit that we wish to share the following reflections:

Firstly, the progress made in implementing the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation is encouraging and must continue. Switzerland welcomes the government's efforts to relaunch dialogue with certain members of armed groups, notably the Coalition des patriotes pour le changement, who have expressed their willingness to join the peace process. However, for this momentum to succeed, it is crucial that the Central African authorities fully commit to the Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR) process. As mentioned in the Secretary-General's report, in order to prevent further instability, any disarmament and recruitment into the security forces must be carried out in accordance with existing national programs, policies and processes.

With this in mind, decentralization and the extension of State authority throughout the country must remain at the heart of efforts to achieve lasting national reconciliation.

As Ambassador Hilale has just reminded us, the local elections scheduled for 2025 will mark a decisive step forward. They will enable Central Africans to take ownership of the political process and consolidate democracy in CAR. Switzerland, convinced that inclusive and transparent elections are the cornerstone of lasting peace, will also provide financial support for these elections.

Secondly, the security and humanitarian situation remains worrying. We deeply regret the intensification of fighting in the east of the country, particularly around mining sites and strategic roads. These clashes exacerbate the suffering of civilians and increase the risks for humanitarian and UN personnel, whose safety must be guaranteed. In this context, Switzerland calls on all parties to respect international humanitarian law in all circumstances, and recalls in particular the obligations to authorize and facilitate rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access, and to protect humanitarian and UN personnel. We express our concern at the consequences of the violence in Sudan and certain regions of Chad, which are worsening the humanitarian situation in CAR. Despite these difficult circumstances, we welcome the generous welcome given to refugees from these countries by the Central African authorities and people, as well as their support for internally displaced persons.

Finally, with regard to the renewal of MINUSCA's mandate, Switzerland takes note of the strategic review shared with the members of this Council. We reiterate the importance of preserving the Mission's priority tasks, as well as its key role in protecting civilians, facilitating humanitarian access and promoting and protecting human rights. The Mission's troop ceiling must be maintained so that it can continue to effectively support the extension of State authority throughout the territory.

Dear colleagues,

The peace, stability and prosperity of the Central African Republic must remain a priority for this Council. Since 2022, Switzerland has reaffirmed this commitment through its presence in Bangui, demonstrating our willingness to support the CAR through concrete actions. We will continue to cooperate closely with the Central African authorities, the United Nations and civil society to help this country on the road to lasting peace.

Thank you.

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