Madam President,

Allow me to add a few points in my national capacity on the political situation in Syria.

I would like to thank Ms Najat Rochdi, Deputy Special Envoy for Syria, for her presentation of the recent discussions of the Special Envoy with regional and international players, including the members of the Astana platform last week. Switzerland shares the conviction that only a political solution, within the parameters defined by Resolution 2254, can put an end to the conflict in Syria.

We therefore welcome the support expressed for the implementation of this resolution, both in the final declaration of the Astana meeting on 21 June as well as in recent statements by regional actors, including in the framework of the Arab League. We also join in the calls made by these same players, and repeatedly by the members of this Council, for the work of the Constitutional Committee to be relaunched. Switzerland remains ready to make Geneva, the UN's main headquarters in Europe, available to host meetings of the Committee.

Among these initiatives, Switzerland supports the Civil Society Support Platform within the Special Envoy's office in Geneva. This platform brings together Syrian civil society and helps guide the UN's efforts to promote intra-Syrian dialogue and trust between the parties.

Madam President,

These efforts for peace and dialogue cannot bear fruit without a commitment from all parties to the establishment and observance of a nationwide ceasefire. Hostilities, such as the latest escalation in Idlib, continue to affect the civilian population, including children. I would like to express our sincere condolences to the families of the victims of this recent violence. We welcome the holding two days ago in Geneva of a meeting of the task force mandated by Resolution 2254 to verify the implementation of the ceasefire – urgent, as we have just heard.

In this context, we call on all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian law, in particular measures to protect the civilian population. Respect for human rights is also essential to protect the dignity, life and freedom of every individual. Switzerland would like to reiterate its full support for the Human Rights Council's Commission of Inquiry and the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism, whose work is fundamental to the fight against impunity.

In Syria, as elsewhere, there can be no lasting peace without justice.

Thank you.

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