Mr President,  

I would like to thank Mr Ebo, Deputy High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, for his presentation. I have also taken note of Mr Credico's speech. 

Switzerland reiterates that Russia's military aggression against Ukraine is a serious violation of international law. Under the United Nations Charter, Ukraine has the right to ensure its security and to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The heavy toll of this war on the civilian population of Ukraine is devastating. Switzerland condemns all violations of international humanitarian law and human rights. All parties to the conflict must ensure the protection of the civilian population and persons hors de combat and respect the rules concerning the conduct of hostilities. 

Switzerland supports - and stresses the need to pursue - serious efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. We recall that there can be no lasting peace without accountability. 

To achieve a peaceful solution, we once again urge Russia - after 20 long months of war - to finally de-escalate the situation, cease all combat operations and withdraw all its troops from Ukrainian territory. The International Court of Justice has ordered it. The General Assembly is calling for it. 

Finally, I reiterate that States must respect their obligations with regard to arms deliveries, in particular the relevant resolutions of this Council. At a time when the global non-proliferation architecture is already under enormous pressure, it should be strengthened, not weakened. It is therefore regrettable that Russia decided to revoke its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). 

Thank you.