Madam President,
Thank you very much for convening this open debate. I would also like to thank the speakers for their presentations.
Fauziya Abdi, chair of a network of Kenyan organizations dedicated to the prevention of vio-lent extremism, recently defined resilience as "the ability to change, so as not to be changed by external threats". Resilience can only emerge if the population is involved in this change. The peacekeeping system, including the missions, must be equipped with tools that are efficient, inclusive and adapted to the reality on the ground.
We would like to highlight three elements of this challenge:
Firstly, missions can encourage violence prevention that addresses the root causes of violence. The affected population, in particular women, who are too often left out, must be able to engage in a substantive and relevant dialogue with local authorities on good governance, human rights, the rule of law as well as the security challenges of climate change. In this respect, we are grateful to Ghana for hosting the first Regional Course on the Prevention of Violent Extremism in West Africa last year, which Switzerland organized together with the African Union.
Secondly, coherent action by the UN system is of great importance, and effective integration of actors becomes crucial during a transition of peacekeeping operations. Close cooperation between the Resident Coordinator's office and mission leadership is a key aspect of this, as is coordination with various donors and international financial institutions, such as the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF). We also encourage the UN Peace-building Fund to fully play its role as a convener within the UN system and beyond with strategic partners, such as the World Bank.
Finally, the local population must be committed to the objectives of peacekeeping missions with equal and significant participation of women. Good strategic communication, but also an effective response to the expectations of the civilian population are the basis for this acceptance. Projects that link the security, humanitarian and development pillars can also pro-vide opportunities, especially for young people, to become peace builders.
Madam President,
What is the role of the Security Council in this challenge?
First, it must encourage joint action by multiple actors, e.g. by systematically seeking support from the Peacebuilding Commission. Secondly, it needs to speak out - including on predictable and sustainable funding of UN missions and regional organizations. Above all, it needs to shape mandates that take into account the multiple challenges and allow missions to act directly and interact effectively with other actors against the causes of violence.
Resilience, in turn, must be encouraged and supported, but it cannot be demanded without collective action against violence. It is in this sense, and with this long-term perspective, that Switzerland intends to engage.
Thank you.