Thank you Mr. President,

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Secretary General underlined that "Extreme events turbocharged by climate chaos are piling up; wrecking sustainable development; forcing people from their homes, and rocking the foundations of peace and security." We are indeed facing a triple global crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, compounded by tensions and conflicts.

These interrelated challenges require integrated responses. The appeal launched by the New Agenda for Peace points us in the right direction: that of prevention.

This Arria meeting is therefore very timely, and we thank Slovenia for bringing us together. Our thanks also go to the Director General of the International Organization for Migration, the Secretary General's Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa and especially Mrs. Quiguantar for their statements.

Allow me to highlight three points:

First, preventive action and peace-building efforts require a global approach. We need to take into account the effects of climate change, listen to the actors on the ground, and involve women and young people as agents of change. We also need to work with the academic community to ensure that our decisions are based on scientific facts. These considerations should guide the development of national prevention strategies.

Second, regional approaches and greater collaboration between the Security Council and regional and sub-regional organizations are needed. In this respect, we commend the work of the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, in particular the close collaboration with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) on climate risk assessments and the use of early warning tools. This exemplary partnership was the focus of a meeting of the Informal Expert Group on Climate and Security organized by Mozambique and Switzerland. Another positive example is the Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA). Switzerland is committed to the management of water resources and the prevention of natural disasters in this region, notably through its Blue Peace initiative.

Third, the Security Council must act in synergy within the multilateral system, including its Geneva-based entities. Peacekeeping and political missions, in collaboration with the Climate Security Mechanism (CSM), UN country teams, financial institutions and regional organizations, should harmonize their efforts at national, regional and international levels. This would enable us to provide guidance to member states in responding to the challenges posed by climate change in conflict contexts.

Mr. President,

The tools to reinforce prevention exist, and climate considerations must be an integral part of them. As a civil society speaker emphasized at a Security Council meeting in June 2023: "It's the will that can make us move mountains or stay where we are". So let's follow her words.

I thank you.

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