Thank you, Mr. President.
I would like to thank the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Karim Khan, for his precious presentation, including the quote, and highlight Switzerland's unwavering support for the ICC.
We have taken note of the 36th report on the situation in Darfur and we appreciate the Prosecutor's efforts to present the activities of the Court and its Office in a transparent manner.
Switzerland welcomes the significant progress made during this year in the trial of Mr. Abd-Al-Rahman. These proceedings are essential for the victims and the affected communities who have been waiting for over 17 years for justice to be served. It is also historic as it is the first trial stemming from a referral by the Security Council.
We welcome the victim-centred approach adopted by the Prosecutor. Likewise, we thank the many witnesses who testified before the Court for their courage and determination, and we commend civil society for its tireless efforts to support these proceedings. We also welcome the assistance of various third States and international institutions, whose cooperation played a key role.
This trial gives a voice to victims and survivors. It underlines once again the preventive and reconciliatory role played by the ICC: the Court is a vehicle for peace and security and thus shares the essence of this Council's mandate.
In order for the ICC to carry out its mandate effectively, independently and impartially, it depends on the assistance of all of us. In this sense, we call on all UN Member States to comply with their obligations to cooperate, whether under the Rome Statute or pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1593. We also invite the Sudanese authorities to support the ICC's efforts with concrete steps.
The fight against impunity is a central element of Swiss foreign policy. It is also at the heart of the Juba peace agreement. Providing justice is not only a duty in terms of accountability, it is an imperative for the future of Sudan.
In conclusion, let me emphasize once again the essential role of the ICC as an institution of last resort to try the most serious international crimes, bring justice to the victims and thus contribute to a lasting peace. The ICC, as well as the Office of the Prosecutor, have our full support.
I thank you