Mr. President,
I would like to thank Sivanka Dhanapala, Director of the UNHCR office, and Pär Liljert, Director of the IOM office, for their contributions and for giving us a holistic view of the situation and their work on the ground.
In 2023, nearly 8,600 migrants lost their lives along migration routes around the world, making it the deadliest year on record. According to the UNHCR, this year again more than 1,500 people died or went missing while trying to reach Europe throught the Mediterranean. These figures highlight the need for action to prevent further losses. Beyond these statistics, these are personal tragedies and individual destinies. The disappearance of thousands of people destabilizes communities and compromises the long-term prospects of peace efforts.
Switzerland is deeply concerned about the fate of the thousands of people who are forced to leave their homes for a variety of reasons.
We would like to make three points in this regard:
Firstly, forced displacement must be prevented by tackling its root causes and following a comprehensive approach. The continuing increase in forced displacement is caused - among other things - by armed conflict, food insecurity and the consequences of climate change. In this respect, this Security must strengthen its commitment to the resolution of armed conflicts and the prevention of crises, including through early warning systems. The Council must also commit to protecting civilian populations and humanitarian and UN personnel.
Secondly, the protection of vulnerable people along migratory routes must be strengthened. Switzerland is resolutely committed to protecting refugees, displaced persons and migrants. Sustainable solutions are therefore needed in the regions of first reception and along all migration routes. Without this support, they risk losing their lives, disappearing or becoming victims of human trafficking and other human rights violations. It is imperative to put an end to this worrying trend by strengthening the rule of law. In this respect, we recall the obligation of all States to respect and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international law relating to the status of refugees, which govern the protection of displaced persons.
Thirdly, we need solid partnerships for prevention. The second Global Refugee Forum, held last December in Geneva, provided an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that responsibility does not lie solely with governments. It is up to society as a whole to propose solutions that integrate humanitarian, development and peace policy aspects. To achieve this, it is essential to encourage the socio-economic integration of migrants and refugees. Their needs and prospects must also be taken into account, so that they can seize the opportunities that arise and create new ones.
Mr. President,
In order to tackle these issues effectively, it is essential that this Council makes full use of the means at its disposal to strengthen the protection of displaced persons. Switzerland will continue to work to this end.
Thank you very much