Mr President,


I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for her presentation. I welcome the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic.

While the Central African Republic's efforts, supported by MINUSCA, have led to a gradual stabilisation of the country and increased security for the civilian population, it is imperative that this Council remains actively seized. In this regard we would like to address the following issues:

First, regarding the political progress and the peace agreement. Switzerland welcomes the measures taken by the government of the Central African Republic to strengthen the implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation (APPR). Efforts to decentralise the peace process, in particular the engagement with prefectoral implementation mechanisms, are essential for involving the population outside Bangui in the peace efforts. In this context, the organisation of local elections in October - an integral part of the APPR - will be crucial to advance national reconciliation. We encourage the authorities to ensure an inclusive, transparent and peaceful process and to support the full participation of women as candidates and voters.


Secondly, respect for human rights and the rule of law. They constitute essential pillars of a peaceful society. We welcome the collaboration between CAR and MINUSCA in preparing the report on the human rights situation in the country. The constructive dialogue between the Mission and the country is commendable, and we encourage CAR to implement its commitments under the National Human Rights Policy. In particular, we call on the Central African authorities to maintain an open and respectful civic space, and to respect the independence of judicial institutions. In this respect, we welcome the progress made in the fight against impunity, notably through the operationalisation of the majority of national jurisdictions, including beyond Bangui. The efforts of the Special Criminal Court in addressing war crimes and crimes against humanity, and in particular the reopening of hearings into the inter-community violence in Ndélé, are commendable.


Thirdly, while the overall security and humanitarian situation is improving, pockets of instability persist in some parts of the country. The violence perpetrated by armed groups around mining sites, transhumance corridors and border areas with Sudan and South Sudan adds to the suffering of civilians. It is crucial that efforts to combat these violations continue. We are particularly concerned by the intensification of the activities of the Azandé group in the south-east of the country and by the integration of some of its members into the National Security Forces, sometimes without appropriate vetting. In this respect, the professionalisation of the security forces and effective reform of the security sector are urgently needed.


Finally, Switzerland welcomes the stabilisation of the humanitarian situation, which has enabled several thousand displaced people to return to their home regions. While emergency humanitarian needs are decreasing, it is now crucial that all CAR's partners remain committed and direct their support towards sustainable development. In this respect, we welcome the holding of the national conference for peaceful and prosperous transhumance, which demonstrates a real commitment to calming inter-community violence and generating a source of prosperity for the entire region.


Mr President,


Switzerland reiterates its commitment to support the CAR in its efforts to achieve lasting peace and inclusive development. We call on all actors to strengthen their collaboration to implement the APPR and accompany the Central African Republic on the path to peace and prosperity.


Thank you.


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