Thank you, Madam President.

I thank the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Ms Nakamitsu, for her briefing. 

As we already spoke on this subject less than a fortnight ago, allow me to briefly restate Switzerland's position in five key points:

Firstly, the current grave situation is the direct consequence of Russia's military aggression, which we condemn. We will not accept attempts to evade responsibility or to justify such an illegal act. Ukraine has the right to ensure its security and defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Secondly, the impact of this war on civilians, civilian infrastructure and the humanitarian situation is intolerable. Switzerland offers its condolences to the families and loved ones of the three ICRC staff members killed yesterday in the Donetsk region. We reiterate that humanitarian personnel must be protected and respected. We condemn all indiscriminate attacks causing civilian casualties. We recall the obligation of all parties to the conflict to strictly respect international humanitarian law, including the rules governing the conduct of hostilities. Violations of international humanitarian law and human rights are unacceptable in all circumstances.

Thirdly, we are deeply dismayed by the fact that Russia’s military aggression appears to continue to be fueled by third-party transfers of arms and munitions to Russia, including, according to reports, ballistic missiles. Switzerland has always insisted that states must fully respect and comply with their obligations under international arms control agreements. This includes the relevant resolutions of this Council, which are legally binding, but also political commitments aimed at transparency and confidence- building.

Fourth, sincere efforts are needed to make progress towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. As the Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs stated in this Chamber two days ago: “Protecting civilians, and ultimately ending this war, is a matter of will”. Switzerland will continue to engage in good-faith discussions aimed at bringing this war to an end, in full compliance with the principles of the UN Charter.

And finally, in order to restore respect for the UN Charter, end the suffering and move towards lasting peace, we once again urge Russia to withdraw all its troops from Ukrainian territory. If the devastation of the past two and a half years cannot be undone, there is still time to prevent further tragedy.

I thank you.

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