Mr. President,

I would first like to congratulate Mozambique on its successful presidency in May, and assure you, Mr. President, of Switzerland's full support for your term of office in June. I welcome Ana Peyró Llopis, the new Special Advisor, and wish her every success in this crucial period. I also welcome the participation of the Representative of Iraq.

I would like to make two main observations.

First, justice for the victims of Daech crimes must remain a common priority. While we welcome the ongoing efforts to implement the roadmap for an orderly conclusion of UNITAD's mandate, we expect Iraq, as well as all other States concerned, to continue ensuring that all crimes committed by Daech are prosecuted in accordance with international law. The end of UNITAD's mandate must not lead to impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes.

Switzerland therefore continues to support the work of the Investigative Team and the work of an impartial justice system committed to ensuring justice for the victims and the protection of their rights. UNITAD has also engaged with Iraqi civil society and succeeded in establishing a much-needed dialogue. The loss of this point of contact at the end of the mission is regrettable.

Second, the management of evidence and the preservation of UNITAD's legacy are essential. In view of the many legal proceedings that will not be completed before the end of UNITAD's mandate, we must ensure that its work is preserved and that the evidence collected remains accessible. Switzerland therefore welcomes the exchange between UNITAD and the UN Archives and Records Management Section aimed at establishing a current archives system. Such an innovative solution would ensure permanent access to the evidence held by the Investigation Team in order to continue holding accountable the perpetrators of the crimes committed by Daech on a global scale.

In this respect, access to evidence must be granted in accordance with United Nations policies and best practices. We therefore reiterate our opposition to the sharing of evidence in judicial proceedings that could lead to the death penalty. Also, because of its incompatibility with respect for human dignity and human rights, Switzerland is opposed to capital punishment in all circumstances.

Mr. President,

As demonstrated by the numerous requests for assistance from member states, UNITAD's contribution to accountability efforts is crucial. The team's work with survivors, families and affected communities must also be highlighted. Their stories, like the memory of the victims who perished, must not be forgotten. We therefore support continued cooperation between Iraq and UNITAD in this final phase to find lasting solutions to ensure that the crimes committed by Daech continue to be prosecuted, in Iraq and elsewhere.

I thank you.

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