At the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, Switzerland underlined the goal of last weekend's Summit on Peace in Ukraine: "We must have the courage to build peace. And to do this, we need to talk about it."

In the Security Council, Switzerland thanked the 101 delegations who met on the Bürgenstock to inspire a peace process in Ukraine. The intensive dialog at the highest level enabled a better understanding of the positions of the delegations from all regions of the world in order to promote a common vision for a just and lasting peace based on the UN Charter and international law. The Bürgenstock Communiqué, which is supported by a large majority of participating states and delegations, reflects this vision and sets out three key objectives:

  1. the safe and secure use of Ukraine's nuclear power plants and the inadmissibility of any threat or use of nuclear weapons;
  2. the unhindered transportation of agricultural products across the Black Sea to improve food security;
  3. all prisoners of war must be released as part of a comprehensive exchange. All Ukrainian children who have been unlawfully deported and displaced, as well as all other unlawfully detained Ukrainian civilians, must be returned to Ukraine.

Switzerland emphasized in the Security Council that these issues are suitable for building trust. However, peace can only be achieved if all parties are committed and engage in dialog. "Switzerland remains a partner for peace and dialog. It is necessary to continue this commitment beyond this first conference," emphasized Switzerland in New York.