Mr President,
Thank you for organising this meeting. We are also grateful to the briefers for their useful perspectives on the situation in Afghanistan.
The title of this meeting reflects a global trend that is also evident in our discussions on peace and security: we are confronted with an increasingly complex landscape, which forces us to think in a multidimensional way. Afghanistan is facing a four-fold crisis - political, economic, humanitarian and human rights - that threatens the population existentially, especially women and children. To promote peace in Afghanistan, aspects such as the economic and developmental aspects, human rights and the humanitarian context must be taken into account. The impact of climate change, food insecurity, terrorist acts, and the large number of refugees and internally displaced persons also deserve our attention.
Allow me to make three considerations:
Firstly, Switzerland deplores the violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, and the atmosphere of fear that persists. The increase in terrorist attacks and the denial of the rights of women and girls, as well as of ethnic minorities, are unacceptable. There will be no security, stability and sustainable development in Afghanistan without full respect for human rights and the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and ethnic minorities. Moreover, respect for the work of civil society remains crucial.
Secondly, despite the magnitude of the challenges, we must find solutions. In this regard, I would like to mention the "Fund for the Afghan People", which was recently established in Geneva with the support of Switzerland's good offices. The purpose of this foundation is to receive, protect and preserve for the future part of the frozen assets of the Afghan central bank. Through an advisory committee, Afghan civil society will be able to make its voice heard and be able to propose and discuss the projects of the foundation board.
Thirdly, Switzerland welcomes UNAMA's inclusive mandate, which encompasses humanitarian, basic needs and human rights aspects. The Mission represents the interests of all Afghans, especially women and girls. The Security Council must continue to preserve UNAMA's balanced mandate when it is renewed next March.
Mr President,
As a Council member, Switzerland will continue to support UNAMA's valuable work in implementing its mandate, in order to end the suffering of the Afghan people.
I thank you.